Haberdashery Section:

At Portalpress, we believe that the most precious asset of a company in the haberdashery industry is its client portfolio. Building a good database can often take years.
The aim of Portalpress is to provide a listing of the haberdasheries in Spain; a listing we consider should be used in comparison with the listing of the company itself, for we do not seek to create a 100% reliable list.
Portalpress S.L. cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided on the web site. It rejects all liability for any errors or omissions that may be found.
The names of haberdasheries have been acquired from the Chamber of Commerce, free pages on the Internet, from subscriptions of the haberdasheries themselves to our portal and from haberdashery trade fairs attended by our magazine and portal.

Portalpress will never provide or public its own archive of clients and/or haberdasheries, or any listing that has been ceded by a client.

If a haberdashery does not wish to be on our listing, just send and e-mail to the following address: merceria@portalmerceria.com and the data will be removed as soon as possible.

